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Thursday, 04 July 2024
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The Faculty of Law Universitas Trisakti Collaborates with Alumni Association to Hold Focus Group Discussion on Student Internships Utilizing PKKM Kemdikbudristek Grant 2024

The Undergraduate Law Study Program (SIH) organized a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Student Internships in collaboration with the Alumni Association of the Law Faculty Universitas Trisakti (IKA FH Usakti) on Wednesday, July 3, 2024, at the Aston Kartika Hotel, West Jakarta, utilizing the PKKM Kemdikbudristek grant for the year 2024.

In addition to receiving a grant for the FGD activities on Student Internships, the SIH Study Program also received a grant to place 10 students for internships outside the city at offices/institutions/agencies/companies managed by FH Usakti alumni. Interning students will receive a grant for transportation and living expenses during their internship.

The FGD activities and the placement of student internships funded by the PKKM grant are a realization of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between FH Usakti and IKA FH Usakti signed on April 4, 2022.

The FGD on Student Internships was attended by:

  • Complete leadership elements (Dean and 4 Vice Deans)
  • Heads of Departments and Heads of Law Laboratories
  • Assistant Vice Deans III
  • The PKKM FH Usakti Team
  • Sahala Siahaan, S.H. as the General Chair of IKA FH Usakti
  • 8 alumni as resource persons representing various legal professions

The results obtained from the FGD on Student Internships include:

  • The alumni fully support the placement of student internships.
  • There is a need for broader cooperation in the implementation of student internships.
  • Students need to be provided with knowledge and ethical/disciplinary briefings before starting internships.
  • The implementation of internships should align with the students’ fields of interest in law.

Source: PKKM FH Usakti Team

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