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Wednesday, 31 January 2024
Oleh: adminfh

MIH Towards International Accreditation : SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN AND COLABORATING RESEARCH PAPER Yogyakarta 24 – 27 Januari 2024

On January 24-27, 2024, the Master of Law Program (MIH) Universitas Trisakti conducted an activity to prepare the English Semester Learning Plan (RPS) as part of the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA) and the Compilation of MIH Lecturers’ Portfolio.

The event began with an opening session followed by a discussion of the RPS, involving a review of the draft previously prepared in English. The focus was on correcting sentences that did not align with Legal English, addressing spelling errors, and formatting all files according to the template.

The leadership team of the Master of Law Program Universitas Trisakti, including Dr. Dhany Rahmawan, SH. MH as the Head of the MIH Program, and Dr. Novina Sri Indiraharti, SH. M.Hum as the Program Secretary, along with permanent faculty members, participated in the event. Some of the faculty members joined via Zoom, including Dr. Ning Adiasih, SH. M.Hum, Dr. A.M. Tri Anggraini, SH. MH, and Dr. Simona Bustani, SH. M.Hum.

The activity also involved the socialization of the use of Chat GPT and Jenni AI in a hybrid format. Four faculty members participated via Zoom from the Universitas Trisakti campus. The Head of the Program guided the faculty members to log in to their Jenni AI accounts, initiating the session by opening the Chat GPT application and providing examples of its use. The faculty members were encouraged to find English paper titles using the application and freely choose topics. After finding a title and translating it using Chat GPT, they could directly copy and paste it into the Jenni AI application. The subsequent activities included the development of paper drafts, outlines, and substantive content after a break for ISHOMA (eating together).

The culmination of this activity was the creation of English papers to be compiled into a book of collected works. The event concluded with expressions of gratitude by the Head of the MIH Program, followed by a group photo.

Source: MIH FH Usakti.

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