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Friday, 23 August 2024
Oleh: adminfh

Initiating the Establishment of a Law Journal, IKA FH and FH Usakti Visit FH UMY and FH UAD Yogyakarta

In preparation for the establishment of a new law journal initiated by IKA FH in collaboration with FH Usakti, representatives from IKA FH and FH Usakti visited FH UMY and FH UAD in Yogyakarta on Friday, August 23, 2024.

Accompanied by the Vice Dean IV of FH, Dr. Tri Sulistyowati, SH, MHum, and journal administrator Dr. Narita Adityaningrum, SH, representatives from IKA FH, including Dr. Feri Wirsamulia, SH, MH, Eva Handayani, Erick Armansyah, SH, MH, and Dr. Anita Kadir, SH, LLM, MCL, conducted a benchmarking study with the editors of Media Hukum Journal at FH Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta and Novelty Journal at FH Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. The delegation was welcomed by the Dean of FH UMY, Prof. Iwan Satriawan, SH, MCL, and the editors of Media Hukum Journal, and the Dean of FH UAD, Dr. Megawati, SH, MHum, along with the editors of Novelty Journal.

The purpose of this benchmarking visit was to gain insights and share experiences regarding the establishment of law journals that are indexed in Scopus at the two universities. It is hoped that the law journal initiated by IKA FH will soon be established and managed professionally, thus supporting the advancement of FH Usakti.

In addition to the law journal benchmarking, discussions were also held regarding cooperation plans for the implementation of PKKM, involving the Head of the Undergraduate Law Program at FH Usakti, Maya Indrasti Notoprayitno, SH, MSi, PhD, and Dr. Rahmat Santoso, SH, MH, together with the Head of the Undergraduate Program at FH UMY. It is hoped that this activity will foster constructive collaboration between the two institutions.

Source: Public Relations FH Usakti

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