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Monday, 15 January 2024
Oleh: adminfh

News from the Faculty of Law

Visiting the Faculty of Law Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK), the Dean of Faculty of Law Universitas Trisakti Agreed to establish collaboration.

On Sunday, January 15th, 2024, the Dean of FH Usakti Dr. Dra. Siti Nurbaiti, SH,MHum, accompanied by Vice Dean IV, conducted a visit to the Faculty of Law Universitas Syiah Kuala. The purpose of the visit was to establish cooperation in the field of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Pillars of Higher Education). The delegation was welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty of Law at USK, Dr. M. Gaussyah S.H.M.H, along with Vice Dean 1, Vice Dean III, Head of Cooperation Division, and several lecturers. During the warm meeting, several work program plans were discussed to be implemented after the signing of the cooperation agreement. These plans include lecturers exchange, student exchange, collaborative research, and joint Community Service Program (PKM). It is hoped that this collaboration will enhance the performance achievements of both institutions.

News Source: WD IV FH Usakti

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