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Saturday, 27 July 2024
Oleh: adminfh

Undergraduate Law Program Releases Students for Internship Grant of the Independent Campus Competition Program (PKKM) in Collaboration with IKA FH Usakti

The Undergraduate Law Program (SIH) of FH Usakti held a ceremony to release 10 students who will participate in internships in various cities, utilizing the PKKM 2024 grant funds. The implementation of this internship program is a realization of the internship cooperation with IKA FH Usakti, signed on April 4, 2022. The release ceremony took place on Saturday, July 27, 2024, in the Faculty Meeting Room on the 2nd floor and the Lobby of Building H FH Usakti, attended by:

  • Dr. dra. Siti Nurbaiti, SH., MH as Dean;
  • Dr. Aji Wibowo, SH., MH as Vice Dean III;
  • Maya Indrasti Notoprayitno, SH., MSi., PhD as Head of SIH Program and also as Head of the PKKM FH Usakti Team;
  • Dr. Rahmat Santoso, SH., M.Hum as Assistant Vice Dean III and Coordinator of IKU 2 PKKM FH Usakti Team;
  • Sahala Siahaan, SH as Chairman of IKA FH Usakti; and
  • 10 PKKM internship grant students.

In their remarks, the Dean and Chairman of IKA FH Usakti advised the intern students to always uphold the good name of the alma mater, fully engage in the PKKM internship program for 4 months, and demonstrate discipline, creativity, and initiative during the internship.

The intern students will depart for their respective internship locations starting Monday, July 29, 2024, with the following distribution:

  • 2 students at the Class I Immigration Office in Surabaya.
  • 2 students at the Class I Immigration Office in Semarang.
  • 2 students at the Class I Immigration Office in Bandung.
  • 1 student at the Class I Immigration Office in Yogyakarta.
  • 1 student at a Law Office in Bandung.
  • 1 student at the Mayor’s Office in Bitung, Manado, North Sulawesi.
  • 1 student at a Notary Office in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra.

All internship locations are offices managed and mentored by FH Usakti alumni or accessible through alumni, as a commitment based on the cooperation agreement made.

We hope all intern students can carry out the PKKM internship grant well according to its purpose and objectives and remain under the protection of God Almighty for their safety and security during the internship until they return to Jakarta.

Source: PKKM FH Usakti Team 2024

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