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Thursday, 09 May 2024
Oleh: adminfh

Alumni Association of the Faculty of Law Fully Supports Universitas Trisakti Becoming a Public University

There are many positive impacts when Universitas Trisakti changes its legal status to become a State-Owned Legal Entity Public University.

Until now, Universitas Trisakti (Usakti) has been known as a private campus nicknamed the Campus of Reform Heroes. This is because four Universitas Trisakti students, Elang Mulia Lesmana, Hafidin Royan, Heri Heriyanto, and Hendriawan, were killed by live bullets. The dark event that occurred on May 12, 1998, triggered a student movement to overthrow the New Order regime. Now, the trident-logoed campus is in the process of becoming a State-Owned Legal Entity Public University (PTN-BH).

The transition process has received full support from alumni groups, including the Universitas Trisakti Faculty of Law Alumni Association (IKA FH Usakti). Chairman of IKA FH, Usakti Sahala Siahaan stated that IKA FH Usakti welcomes and fully supports the process. “We welcome it and give full support,” said Sahala Siahaan when contacted on Wednesday (8/5/2024).

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