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Tuesday, 01 August 2023
Oleh: adminfh


Knowledge does not stop within the confines of classrooms, but also must be spread for the benefit of society. That’s why the event “Scientific Week of Faculty’s Outstanding Research & Book Grant,” organized by the Faculty of Law, Trisakti University, continues and enters its sixth day, presenting the Dissemination of Faculty’s Outstanding Research Results (PUF) on July 14, 2023.

Dissemination PUF Result Topic

  • Research Team: The research team consists of Faculty of Law lecturers, students, and alumni as follows:

Research Team Leader: Dr. Ermania Widjajanti, SH., M.Hum.

Research Team Members:   Dr. Vience Ratna Multiwijaya, SH.MH.

Dr. Rusmilawati Windari, SH.MH. (Collaborative Researcher, Faculty of Law, Univ. Trunojoyo Madura)

Students:        Abraham Rodo Suryono, SH.
Diky Nur Rahmandani, SH.

Zoom Meeting Details:

Meeting ID: 943 7120 1604

Passcode: 852119

Research Summary

Violence against adult women and children is a phenomenon that frequently occurs in Indonesia. In 2021, the National Commission on Violence Against Women received 4,500 cases of violence against women. The Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection recorded 16,237 cases of violence from January 1, 2022, to mid-September 2022, across various provinces in Indonesia, with 14,916 female victims and 2,573 male victims. One of the rights of crime victims that must be fulfilled is the right to access justice. This aligns with Article 27 Paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, which guarantees that every citizen has equal standing before the law (equality before the law). Comprehensive access to justice means an individual’s ability to seek and obtain solutions to their legal cases through both formal and informal institutions in line with human rights standards. The existence of Prosecutor’s Guidelines No. 1/2021 regarding Access to Justice for Women and Children in Criminal Cases is an effort by the Prosecution to minimize the obstacles often faced by women and children in criminal justice processes.

The focus of this research is on the comparative implementation of access to justice for women and children who are victims of violence in the Jakarta Capital Region and Madura, as well as the challenges faced by each region in providing access to justice for female and child victims. This research will be conducted through normative methods, using both secondary and primary data, along with data obtained from selected sources and field studies at the State Prosecutors’ Offices in the Jakarta Capital Region and Madura.

This research is related to the Research Roadmap of Individual Researchers and the Faculty, emphasizing ius constitutum and ius constituendum towards a green society for society. The ius constitutum referred to in this research is the positive law on violent crimes frequently experienced by women and children today. Meanwhile, the ius constituendum refers to the ease of access to justice for women and children as victims of violence within the legal regulations in Indonesia.

The interim results of this research are as follows: First, access to justice for victims of violence against women and children is a principle that views female and child victims as having equal access to legal resolutions. In fulfilling this access, their roles and positions in criminal cases, the principles of non-discrimination, protection, the development of criminal acts and criminal procedural law, including the abuse or utilization of information technology, international conventions, and other legal aspects in accordance with regulations, particularly regarding the protection of witnesses and victims, are considered for the success of criminal case handling, ensuring justice, legal certainty, and benefits. This is in accordance with the Attorney General’s Guidelines No. 1/2022 regarding Access to Justice for Women and Children in Criminal Case Handling. Second, the challenges faced in providing access to justice for female and child victims of violence include the psychological condition of the victims, their trauma, which makes it difficult for them to express what they have experienced and felt. This can hinder the legal process. The legal process, which can sometimes be lengthy, and the demands presented by the prosecutor may not fully achieve justice for the victims.

Let’s join !

Dissemination requires empathy and a spirit of renewal, not only from the researchers but also from stakeholders, including the academic community of Trisakti University, especially students, to become agents of renewal and progress. We highly anticipate the digital participation of students from the Faculty of Law, especially those specializing in Criminal Law, in this knowledge-sharing process.

Let’s join the Dissemination event and play a role in nation-building, just as the Muslim scholar Sufyan bin Uyainah stated, “The first step in seeking knowledge is to listen, then be silent and attentive, then retain it, then apply it, and finally spread it”

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