

Universitas Trisakti was officially established in 1965 through the Decision of Minister of Education No. 014/dar Year 1965 after previously it was known as the Universitas Res Publica. The Faculty of Law itself is one of the founding faculties of the Universitas Trisakti. The Faculty has constantly referred to by the public as one of the most elite law schools in Indonesia, this perception is also recognized by the Department of Education which always gives an A (equivalent to “very good”) accreditation score to the Faculty of Law Universitas Trisakti, starting from 1998 – when this accreditation system was established – through the Decision of the Department of Education No. 00439/AK.I.I/UT-CIHK/VIII/1998 until most recently in 2018 through the Decision No.1288/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/V/2018.

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