Centre for Industrial Relation and Labour Protection Studies

Centre for Industrial Relation and Labour Protection Studies

indonesian Version


The Center for Industrial Relations and Labor Protection Studies was originally founded in 1998 with the name Center for Employment Law Studies, abbreviated as “Puskumnaker”. “Puskumnaker” was founded in the spirit of freedom of association for trade unions in Indonesia. This is because in 1998, Indonesia ratified the ILO Convention concerning Freedom of Association for Workers (ILO Convention No: 87/1948 concerning Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize) made in 1948 and ratified in 1998). Since the ratification of the ILO Convention on Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize, various Trade Union organizations have been established in Indonesia, whereas previously there was only one Trade Union Organization in Indonesia, namely SPSI (All Indonesian Workers Union). The Employment Law Study Center was founded by the late Mr. R Goenawan Oetomo, SH. MBA who is also a senior and lecturer in Labor Law at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Trisakti University. 


The Center for Industrial Relations and Labor Protection Studies conducted research (including collaborative research with the Ministry of Manpower from around 2010 to 2013), conducted comparative studies and annual meetings in several countries that employ migrant workers, such as Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia (2004 to in 2007). The Study Center also continuously collaborates in coaching and counseling, making pocket books, providing assistance as an expert witness with various trade union federations in Indonesia and also non-governmental organizations such as the Jakarta Legal Aid Institute and the Friederich Ebert Stiftung (FES), as well as collaborating with various government agencies in the field of Employment, including the Depok City Government (drafting the Depok City Employment Regional Regulation and becoming a member of the Depok City Wage Council from an academic element), collaborating with the The Indonesian Parliament Legislation Division in preparing a revision of Law Number 2 of 2004 concerning Dispute Resolution Industrial relations. The Center for Industrial Relations and Labor Protection Studies also collaborates with the Center for Employment Law Development, Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University. Regarding the duties of the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower, the Industrial Relations Study Center also held research collaborations (2010 to 2015) and was also active as an expert team in the revision of Government Regulation Number 35 of 2021 concerning Fixed Time Work Agreements, Outsourcing, Working Time and Rest Time, and Termination of Employment.

The Center for Industrial Relations and Labor Protection Studies together with FSPMI and FSP KEP SPSI have also held various collaborations in various fields including education and teaching and technical guidance (there is an MoU between FSPMI and the Faculty of Law, Trisakti University, as well as an MoU between FSP KEP SPSI Center with the Faculty of Law,  Universitas Trisakti. Finally, in 2023, the Study Center collaborated with FSP KEP SPSI to compile a potpourri book about Trade Unions in Indonesia.

The Study Center also provides teaching, technical guidance, counseling and is a resource person on various occasions apart from the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower, also at BUMN, the Federation of Trade Unions, and various employers’ associations and private companies in Indonesia. The Center for Industrial Relations and Labor Protection Studies is conducting research collaboration with the Faculty of Laws at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (2023/2024) and has coordinated regarding the problems of Indonesian workers in Japan in PKM and International Seminars in collaboration with the Faculty of Law, Universitas Trisakti and JILA, Japan- Indonesian Lawyers Association and Wako University Japan March 2 2024.

Statistics on the performance of the Center for Industrial Relations and Worker Protection Studies, Faculty of Law, Universitas Trisakti in the last 2 (two) years can be seen here.


Based on the Decree of the Rector of  Universitas Trisakti Number 900/USAKTI/SKR/XI/2021 dated 9 November 2021, the membership  of the Center for Industrial Relations and Worker Protection Studies, Faculty of Law, Universitas Trisakti has been determined with the following composition:





  1. Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia Jakarta

  2. Legal Aid Institute, Jakarta

  3. Friederich Ebert Stiftung (FES)

  4. Center for Employment Law Development, Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University

  5. Various Indonesian Workers Unions such as FSPMI, FSP KEP SPSI

  6. Faculty of Law, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

  7. Japan-Indonesian Lawyers Association (JILA) and Wako University

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