Centre for Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Studies

Centre for Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Studies

Indonesian Version


The Center for Humanitarian Law & Human Rights Studies (terAs), Faculty of Law, Trisakti University was initially formed as a facility for students at the Faculty of Law, Trisakti University, especially those majoring in International Law, where they could read books on Humanitarian Law and other books in the field. International law. At that time TerAs was still called the ‘Center for Humanitarian Law Studies’ (PSHH). Read more…

Scope & Performance

The Center for Humanitarian Law & Human Rights Studies (terAs), Faculty of Law of Universitas Trisakti carries out activities included in the field of  education and teaching, research, and community service.

These fields are implemented in various activities, such as:

  1. Research (both in the form of Trisakti Internal Grant Research and Collaborative Research)
  2. Publishing Scientific Journal (nationally accredited as Sinta4), terAs Law Review: Journal of Humanitarian Law and Human Rights
  3. Dissemination of Humanitarian Law, Human Rights and other related branches of International Law. Dissemination is carried out in the form of a Webinar called the Haryomataram Webinar Series (HWS).
  4. Workshops.

The complete activities carried out by the Center for Humanitarian Law & Human Rights Studies (terAs), Faculty of Law, Universitas Trisakti can be seen here.


The Center for Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Studies (terAs), Faculty of Law, Universitas Trisakti, which was originally called the Center for Humanitarian Law Studies (PSHH), was established by Decree of the Rector of Universitas Trisakti Number 465/USAKTI/SKR/XI/2002 dated 28 November 2002 concerning the Establishment of a Study Center and Center for Studies within Universitas Trisakti.  As the implementation, a Study Center Membership Structure was also formed, which is updated regularly. The legality of membership was recently confirmed by the Decree of the Rector of Universitas Trisakti Number: 909/USAKTI/SKR/XI/2021, November 9 2021.

Based on the Decree of the Rector of Universitas Trisakti Number 050/USAKTI/SKR/II/2024 dated 1 February 2024, the membership composition of the Center for Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Studies (terAs) of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Trisakti, was determined with the following structure:





The Center for Humanitarian Law & Human Rights Studies (terAs), Faculty of Law, Universitas Trisakti carries out the activities with the collaboration with various institutions  at both national and international levels, which can be seen here.


To find out more complete information about the Center for Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Studies (terAs), please visit our website here.

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