Centre for Constitutional Law Studies

Centre for Constitutional Law Studies

Indonesian Version


The Center for Constitutional Law Studies, Faculty of Law, Universitas Trisakti, is a research institution that is committed to participating in safeguarding and realizing a democratic sphere based on the Indonesian 1945 Constitution. The Center for Constitutional Law Studies is a place to make real contributions to the nation and state by carrying out research activities on constitutional and legislative issues which are implemented  through research programs and studies, research dissemination and communinty service as well as building partnerships with state institutions and/or regional governments. In addition, the Center for Constitutional Law Studies is always open to buildi sustainable collaboration with various parties, both at the local, national and international levels.

Main Activities of the Center for Constitutional Law Studies are, among others:

  1. Holding a regular studies related to various issues in the fields of constitutional law, democracy and the constitution.
  2. Conducting Research. This activity is carried out by studying and researching important contemporary issues in the fields of constitutional law, democracy and the constitution. 
  3. Producing scientific publication. This activity is carried out by writing and disseminating books, policy papers and policy briefs in the field of Constitutional Law and democracy and constitutional issues.
  4. Providing Consultation Services for Partners. This activity is carried out by providing assistance to activities through collaboration, including drafting legislation, research collaboration, and the like.


Based on the Decree of the Chancellor of Trisakti University Number 050/USAKTI/SKR/II/2024 dated February 1 2024, the Membership Composition of the Criminal Law Study Center, Faculty of Law, Universitas Trisakti has been determined with the following structure:





  1. Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia
  2. Minisry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia
  3. Regional People’s Representative Assembly of Bangka Belitung Islands
  4. Association of Lecturers of Constitutional Law and State Administrative Law
  5. Indonesian Tobacco Community Alliance (AMTI)
  6. Kharisma Pesona Komunika Co.
  7. deCenter (Village Community Center for a Better Indonesia)
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