Vision And Mission

Vision And Mission


Becoming a capable Faculty of Law that can reach a highest international standard as well as contributing to the development of global legal discourse without abandoning Indonesia’s local legal values and knowledges.


  1. Improving the ability of the Faculty of Law to produce graduates who can compete internationally, while still embracing the character of Trikrama Trisakti.
  2. Improving research activities to develop legal theories which based on local values that can solve many problems at the national level.
  3. Improving the role of the Faculty of Law to support the society and industry through community service activities.
  4. Strengthening the Faculty commitment to implement the good faculty governance.


  1. Creating an internationally recognized Faculty of Law with excellent legal knowledge that can adapt to social development.
  2. Producing a graduate who did not only an expert in the law, but also virtuous, smart, healthy, independent, creative, innovative, wise, had a good social understanding, can communicate very well with others, had a good entrepreneurial spirit, and always respecting Indonesia’s pluralist culture.
  3. Building an academic environment that can improve individual quality through a productive, effective, and efficient learning process, which in turn could contribute to the creation of a vibrant civil society.
  4. Creating a strong academic culture that can bring a benefit research to the society, nation, and the state.
  5. Developing collaboration with other knowledge institutions, industry, government, and society at the international and national levels.
  6. Strengthening the loyalty to the Faculty for the Faculty Members and the alumni.
  7. Improving the commitment to implement good faculty governance as well as to fulfill the welfare of Faculty members, to maintain the reputation of the Universitas Trisakti.


  1. Producing a competent graduate that can compete at the international and national level
  2. Producing graduates who are able of mastering the knowledge of science, technology, and art based on scientific disciplines.
  3. Ensuring the availability of University facilities and infrastructure including a high-quality Management Information System.
  4. Improving the University facilities and infrastructure including a high-quality Management Information System that can support student activities as well as help the communication between the alumni and the faculty.
  5. Producing high-quality scholarships which can be recognized at the international level.
  6. Improving the quality of academic and non-academic services through an effective, efficient, and integrative system.
  7. Organized and fostered collaborative partnerships with important stakeholders through a productive, open, collegial, effective, and efficient culture and work ethic in the fields of science, technology, and the arts as well as the in non-academic fields such as language, sports, and culture.
  8. Increasing the Faculty finance capability by diversifying the main sources of funds as well as increasing the Sustainable Reserve Fund.
  9. Increasing the welfare of lecturers and non-lecturers through the provision of compensation, opportunities for competency development, and self-actualization as well as providing a performance evaluation system with the provision of awards (salary, bonuses, training participants, promotions) and sanctions to increase motivation, work ethic, openness, and collegiality among the faculty members.
  10. Providing human resources who can lead and manage higher education institutions in a responsible, professional, and loyal manner towards the alma mater based on the principles of transparency and democracy, and also had a concern toward institutional performance through development and training opportunities for all of the University stakeholders.
  11. Improving the relations between the alumni and the Faculty, providing good communication between student and their families with the Faculty, improving the awareness of alumni in developing Faculty academic quality, and availability of tracer study data to help the alumni to communicate with each other.
  12. Increasing the number of lecturers involved in collaborative research partnerships with other knowledge institutions.
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