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Thursday, 03 August 2023
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July 7, 2023 – July 15, 2023

The Science Doesn’t Stop Within The Confines Of Classroom, However It Must Spread For The Benefit Of Society. That’s Why The Event “Scientific Week Of Faculty’s Outstanding Research & Book Grant” Organized By The Faculty Of Law Of Trisakti University, Still Continues And Enters Its Fifth Day Agenda Presenting The Dissemination Of Faculty’s Outstanding Research Results On July 13, 2023.

Dissemination PUF Results Topic :

  • Dissemination Theme : “The Elements Of Crimes Against Humanity And The Elaboration In The ILC’s Draft Articles On Prevention And Punishment Of Crimes Against Humanity 2019”
  • Research Team : The research team consists of faculty of law lecturers, students, and alumni as follow :

Research Team Leader                       : Dr. Ayu Nrangwesti, S.H., M.H.

research team Members                    : Yulia Fitriliani, S.H., M.H.

                                                             Maya Idrasti Notoprayitno, S.H., S.Si., Ph.D.

Student                                               : Yahsinta Komala, S.H.

Zoom Meeting                                    : 98460668446

Passcode                                             : 102221

Research Summary :

The  Research Is Aimed At Analyzing The Fundamental Elements Of (Crimes Against Humanity) As Outlined In The 1998 Rome Statute. The Examination Conducted Is Comprehensive, (Considering The Context Of Indonesian Criminal Law, Human Rights Law, And International Law). Furthermore, It’s Comparative, It Comparing With The Elements Of (Genocide).

According To The Research, The Background For The Emergence Of The Research Problem Lies In The Ambiguity Of The Nomenclature Of Crimes Against Humanity, Which Includes The Term “Humanity” In It. This Ambiguity Is Due To The Fact That The Concept Of Humanity Can Lead To Broad Interpretations. Additionally, The Research Is Motivated By The Desire To Compare Crimes Against Humanity With Genocide, Particularly In Terms Of Identifying Similar Or Overlapping Elements Between The Two. As A Result, The Research Has Formulated Two Main Issues To Address: First, A Comprehensive Analytical Elaboration Of The Three Basic Elements Of Crimes Against Humanity; And Second, A Compararive Analytical  Elaboration With Genocide. By Undertaking This Research, The Ultimate Goal Is To Provide Recommendations To The Indonesian Government On How To Revise And Redefine Crimes Against Humanity Within The Legal Framework. In Conclusion, The Research Aims To Shed Light On The Uncertainties Surrounding Crimes Against Humanity And Its Relation To The Concept Of Genocide. The Findings And Recommendations Are Intended To Assist The Indonesian Government In Redefining And Reevaluating The Regulations Concerning Crimes Against Humanity.

The Research Categorizes This Study As A Doctrinal Research With A Comparative Approach, Utilizing Primary Legal Materials (Primary Sources) And Secondary Legal Materials (Secondary Sources). The Comparative Approach Involves Comparing The Elements Of Crimes Against Humanity With Those Of Genocide. This Research Is Related To The Research Roadmap Of The Invidual Researcher And The Research Roadmap Of The Faculty, Which Emphasize Ius Contitutum And Ius Constituendum. The Ius Contitutum Refferd To In This Study Is The Existing Positive Law On Crimes Against Humanity. On The Other Hand, Ius Constituendum Pertains To Recommendations Regarding The Rethingking Of The Concept Of Crimes Against Humanity Within The Legislation In Indonesia.

The Interim Results Of This Research Have Led To The Identification Of Three Main Elements Of Crimes Against Humanity: Widespread And Systematically Attack; Directed Attack To Civilian People; Imputable To State/ Organization’s Policy. The Conclusions Drawn From This Study Are As Follows: Firstly, The Most Challenging Elements To Establish Is The Third One, Which Involves Finding A Connection Between And Individual’s Or A Group Of People’s Actions And Their Country’s Policies; Secondly, Genocide Has Incorporated Specific And reliable Elements That Define Its Distinct  Characteristics As A Crime. On The Other Hand, Crimes Against Humanity Appear To Overlap With Genocide, And Even With Other International Crimes.

Let’s Join!

Socialization requires empathy and a spirit of renewal, not only from researchers but also from stakeholders including the civitas academica of Trisakti University, especially the students, to become agents of renewal and development. We highly anticipate the digital visit from the students of the faculty of Law, Trisakti University, particularly those specializing in international law, to participate in this knowledge sharing process.

Let’s join this academi event and play a role in nation-building, just as a Muslim scholar, Sufyan bin Uyainah, stated, “the first step in seeking knowledge is to listen, then remain silent and attenvely observe, then retain it, then put it into practice, and finally, spread it.”

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